Dosing for fast acting edibles

all about Fast acting edibles

 Normally, when consuming cannabis edibles, you’re left waiting for the effects to settle in, sometimes taking up to 2 hours from point of consumption. In turn, the process can be a bit of a guessing game when it comes to when the effects will hit and the intensity.

Nano-emulsification is a complex process that takes cannabinoid molecules and breaks them down into the tiniest, microscopic particles. This means that instead of having to wait for 30, 60, or 90 minutes or longer for the THC to interact with the endocannabinoid system and yield effects, you experience the effects in a matter of minutes.

Fast Acting Edible PERKS & DOSING

Fast Onset 

  • Less waiting and more control

Shorter Duration

  • Better for folks who don’t want to be high for 6 – 12 hours


    • No smoke or vapor
    • Little to no aroma
    • Looks like you’re enjoying a snack


  • 5mg to 15mg is the sweet spot for most folks
  • Edibles with a 1:1 balance are ideal for newcomers
  • Low-dose edibles are recommended for folks naturally sensitive to THC
  • Start with a low dose (2.5mg – 5mg is recommended)
  • Wait a minimum of 45 minutes before eating another serving
  • Keep edibles in a sealed container and away from minors
  • Do not operate vehicles or heavy machinery
  • 30 – 45 minutes
  • Eating edibles on a full stomach increases onset time
  • 3 – 4 hours
  • Effects may last longer for folks with a natural sensitivity to THC
  • Do's
    • Have a light snack with your edible; fatty or not
    • Keep non-infused snacks around for when you have the munchies (e.g., regular cookies, gummies, etc.)
    • Take it low and slow, you can always eat another serving later
    • Set the mood before you enjoy your edible to maximize your enjoyment
    • Avoid eating more than 2 servings if it’s your first time with edibles
    • Avoid eating edibles on an empty stomach, it can induce an overconsumption event
    • Consume edibles if you don’t know the dosage

    How to deal with overconsumption:

    Overconsumption is the unpleasant feeling you get when you eat too many edibles.
    While it is not ideal, it not dangerous and causes no lasting harm.

    Overconsumption is best avoided, but here’s how you deal with it:

    1. Take a dose of CBD (edibles, oils, etc.) about four times greater than the amount of THC you consumed

    2. Chew or sniff peppercorns, they have relaxing terpenes that can calm you down

    3. Sniff pine essential oil, it has terpenes that will help you focus and ground you

    4. Drink lots of water; THC overconsumption can dehydrate you

    5. Call a friend or loved one for company; their presence will help calm you

    6. Take a walk if you feel up to it

    7. Try to sleep it off

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